Actually, that’s Georgia


Georgia has a few distinguishing features from Garamond:

  • Vertical axis: notice that the thin parts of the “o” are vertically aligned on top of one another. Contrast that with Garamond, where the thin parts are at an angle in relationship to one another. This is because Garamond is more strongly influenced by a drawing tool. If you’re drawing an “o” with an angled pen, your “o” is going to look more like a Garamond “o.”
  • Large x-height: even at the same type size, notice how much larger Georgia’s “o” looks than Garamond’s. Georgia was designed for the screen (in 1993, by Matthew Carter), and since lower-resolution screens have trouble with type subtleties, having a higher “x-height” (or height of the “x,” as well as many other lower-case letters) allows for more space within the letterform, so the letter can be read more easily. Garamond was designed about 500 years ago, when nobody was thinking about computer screens.
  • Sharp serifs: Since Garamond is influenced more by a drawing tool, it really shows in the serifs. Look at how much more rounded they are on Garamond, whereas in Georgia, they are much sharper.